King Saud and The Crisis of Kuwait

Following the declaration made by Abdel Karim Qassim, Ruler of Iraq, that Kuwait was an indivisible part of Iraq and it would be annexed to the Province of Basra, King Saud stood steadfast, fearing neither storms nor threats and announced:

"Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are but one country.

"Everyone should know that Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are one country. What affects Kuwait affects Saudi Arabia and vice versa."

On 1 July King Saud I, King of the Arabs and Imam of the. u lims, ent the following historical cable, amidst a tense atmosphere, to General Abdel Karim Qassim. The cable had special impact on Qassim and a soothing effect on all Arabs and Muslims.

"General Abdel Kerim Qassim - Baghdad

"We convey to you our best greetings. The news I received compounded my concern over the situation between the two sister countries of Km ait and Iraq. I appeal to you in the name of God, the homeland and Arabism, to ab tain from any act that would perturb inter-Arab relations or lead to war at a time when they urgently need to support each other and close their ranks to face the enemy.
On 6 July 1961, King Saud delivered an address in which he said:
"There can never be any bargaining or mediation regarding an indepenence recognized by the world. (Strangely enough, Iraq was the first country to recoznize the independence of Kuwait). All Arabs are called upon to exert efforts to rotect this independence."

To the Emir and people of Kuwait

"Everyone in this country, Emirs and subjects alike, are fully prepared to
defend your country as if it were their own.

"We do not have any personal interest or ambition in Kuwait. A free and independent Kuwait is what we seek; a country belonging to its people whom we are committed to support in good ~r hard times.

"I wish Kuwait to be a full-fledged member of the League of Arab States as well as of the United Nations and all other international organizations that seek to promote peace and security for mankind."