During his reign, King Saud was the recipient of many honours and these included the Orders of Various other nations. In the formal portraits of King Saud in ceremonial uniform he is wearing the breast stars of the following Orders.
Thu, 03 Nov 2011 09:15:00
Left---The Order of the Renaissance of Jordan
Center---The Order of Omayyad of Syria
Right---The Order of the Cedar of Lebanon
Lower--- The Order of the Sun of Afghanistan
The Sash is that of the Order of the Renaissance.
In the central display case the following Orders are on display,
Libya---The breast Star and sash badge of the Order of Mohammad Ibn Ali El Senoussi.
Jordan---The breast Star of the Order of the Renaissance of Jordan.
Spain---The breast Star and Sash badge of the Order of Civil Merit.
Greece---The breast Star of the Order of Saint Mark .
Libya---The breast Star and sash badge of the Order of Mohammad Ibn Ali El Senoussi.
Jordan---The breast Star of the Order of the Renaissance of Jordan.

Spain---The breast Star and Sash badge of the Order of Civil Merit.

Greece---The breast Star of the Order of Saint Mark .
Unknown ---A poorly manufactured breast Star – possibly a trial piece.
It was during King Saud‘s reign that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia instituted , either in 1954 or 1955 , its own series of Orders, decorations, and medals .This series of Awards consisted of the following ,
Order of King Abdul Aziz Al Saud.
The Star of King Saud.
National Military Decoration.
Efficiency Medal.
Medal of Merit.
Medal of Duty.
Medal of Appreciation.
Long Service and Good Example Medal.
War Wounded Medal.
Palestine Medal.
Limited numbers of the Order of King Abdul-Aziz and the National Military Decorations were manufactured by Bichay of Cairo – the hallmark1955/1956 appears on an example of the Order of King Abdul Aziz. It is not believed that many, if any, of the other awards were ever manufactured .It would appear that these awards became obsolete and eventually replaced by the current Saudi awards system 1n 1971.
This research was conducted by Owain Raw-Rees , in Jeddah , May,1999.