King Saud requests, on behalf of the Arabs, the restitution of their rights

"The Arabs have been unjustly treated in Palestine, North Africa, the Buraimi Oasis
and the southern and eastern regions of the Arabian Peninsula. Our friends in
the West with whom we have fought to liberate their territories during two world
wars have forgotten the assistance and friendship of the Arabs who had been their
comrades in arms. The Arabs request the West to restitute their rights in Palestine,
liberate North Africa as well as the southern and eastern regions of the Arabian Peninsula."

King Saud further stated, "I would like to avail myself of the opportunity of
your presence in my country to welcome you and assure you all that my objective
and that of my government is to provide the support and assistance needed to
promote security throughout the world, recover the rights of all peoples to justice,
equality and freedom and to a life in dignity, in line with their beliefs and traditions,
a life they choose freely. Our aim is to promote and strengthen the fraternal ties
among men and bring people closer together.

"I would like to assure you that we Arabs believe in and advocate this human
fraternity. The Arabs and Muslims have made great contribution to civilization, and
promoted progress in the world as recognized by everyone. Thus, advocating this
human fraternity, as well as the liberation of people and the exercise of rights
recognized by all universal laws and systems is but a traditional principle advocated
by the Arabs in the past and at present.

''We therefore believe in the rights of Arabs to live in freedom and dignity in
their countries, while contributing to the progress of mankind to the best of their
ability. It is an honour for me and for my peers the leaders of free Arabs to pursue
our efforts to achieve this goal that serves the cause of our people and closes their
ranks into a national and comprehensive Arab unity. We sincerely hope that this
cherished objective, in which we believe and seek to achieve will contribute to the
promotion of peace, justice, freedom, equality and prosperity in all parts of the world.

"1would like to assure you that uniting Arab ranks into a close-knit unity is not
sought with aggressive intents, but aims at the exercise of our rights in our
homelands, in dignity and liberty. Undoubtedly, the Arabs have often been unjustly
treated and forbidden by force to exercise their legitimate rights in their homelands.
We, in conjunction with our other Arab brothers, seek to recover these usurped
rights peacefully.

"Palestine tops the list of the unjustly treated Arab countries for which a
peaceful solution is sought. Similarly, North Africa, the southern and eastern regions
of the Arabian peninsula are areas of concern to us and we aim at recovering the
usurped rights of their people as we do in Palestine.

"I would like to seize this opportunity to address, through you, the world
conscience, and emphasize that we have been unjustly treated in Palestine, North
Africa, the Buraimi Oasis, and the southern and eastern regions of the Arabian
Peninsula. Our friends in the West have contributed to this situation. Those are the
friends to whom we offered our friendship and alliance and on whose side we
fought to liberate their countries and recover their freedom in two world wars at
which Arab participation was instrumental in their victory, as acknowledged by

"Those western friends have chosen to forget the role of the Arabs as their
comrades in arms. They neither honoured their word nor fulfilled their promise.
Suddenly the Arabs found themselves unexpectedly facing the West in a struggle to
recover their freedom and rights. We Arabs could only demand our rights - rights
for which the West fights when they relate to its countries and people. Nevertheless,
we still hope that those friends, in spite of everything, shall be fair to us and secure
to us those rights enjoyed by their people. We shall co-operate with them if they
solve the problems they created and compounded.

"We request the West to restore the rights of the Arabs in Palestine, liberate
North Africa, as well as the southern and northern regions of the Arabian Peninsula,
and support the Arabs in championing the cause of truth, justice, and freedom in
every campaign waged against them. We demand that it respects our independence,
refrains from obstructing our unity, which is unquestionably one of our rights.

"We stand ready to resume friendships that have been severed. This is left to
the freedom-loving leaders and people of the West because we, as leaders, bear a
grave responsibility and are accountable before our people. This is a trust that we
have to honour because it is part and parcel of our faith and creed. Arab awareness,
nowadays, has improved to the satisfaction of those who support the Arabs and
promote their freedom.

"Once more I welcome you in this country which is friendly to the people of
your respective countries. I hope that you will convey to them our best wishes for a
life in liberty and prosperity and look forward to friendship with them. Rest assured
that I spare no effort in promoting the progress, well-being and prosperity of my
people with a view to raising their scientific, cultural, health and economic
standards. In spite of the difficulties encountered in the fulfilment of such goals, we
are, by the Grace of God, on the right course and are determined to attain our
objective. I do not believe in overnight changes but in well-planned judicious action
'. that is in line with the evolution of society. We rely on the support and help of God
.to fulfil the aspirations of my country and people in particular, and those of the
Arabs and Muslims in general."