Saudi's Role in the Establishment of "OPEC"

After four years of direct Aramco implementation of its concession with Saudi Arabia, the Government of the Kingdom in the fifties to amend the terms of the concession amendment has funneled half the profits made by Aramco after the original franchise does not provide the Kingdom's only four gold shillings for each ton issued by Aramco oil, thus introducing a complimentary "equally profit" principle with the franchise companies to the Middle East.

thus introducing a complimentary "equally profit" principle with the franchise companies to the Middle East.

As Iran has tried to modify the original concession to get half the profits from the British company - Iran, this company has refused to approve the principle of shared equally the profits, which ultimately led to the arrival of Dr. Mossadegh to power and nationalized Iranian oil, the abolition of the privilege of the company, and his attempt Iranian Petroleum Investment.

As Iran has tried to modify the original concession to get half the profits from the British company - Iran, this company has refused to approve the principle of shared equally the profits, which ultimately led to the arrival of Dr. Mossadegh to power and nationalized Iranian oil, the abolition of the privilege of the company, and his attempt Iranian Petroleum Investment

National investment. If
Dr Mossadegh had succeeded in acts of sovereignty, but that did not work by Dr. Mossadegh, Iran's petroleum marketing, because the major oil companies in the world, teamed up with the British oil company - Iran nationalized in imposing siege on the Iranian oil and replaced it with an increase in oil production in its concession areas in other Middle Eastern countries. It was a result that exposed the lives of Iran's economic jolt and social violent, led to overthrow the government of Dr. Mossadegh, and the return of Iranian oil again to flow, having replaced a group of companies British Prince cauterizing (Consor Pennisetum) Originally the British company shop in Iran's petroleum investment, and accepted the principle of the profits equally with Iran.

The principle of the profits equally with Iran.

We have had the results of Dr. Mossadegh experience that the oil companies have approved the concessionaire in the Middle East, the principle of shared equally the profits, which had been enshrined in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, making this principle becomes effective in all oil concessions in the region.