Visit of King Saud to Iraq

The Great King Saud thanks the Iraqi people for their warm welcome during
his visit to Iraq. His Majesty wishes Iraq continuous prosperity and progress under
the aegis of its Great King.

Before his departure, King Saud sent the following message to the generous
Iraqi people:

"It was a pleasure for me to visit Iraq at the invitation of my brother His
Majesty King Faisal Il, and meet several statesmen who expressed to me sincere and
fraternal greetings. I was also moved by the warm welcome accorded to me by the
generous Iraqi people wherever I went, particularly in the capital city of Baghdad,
Faluga, Habania, Basra and Zobair, a further proof of the strong fraternal ties that
link the peoples of both countries and their wish to strengthen these ties.

"To all those whom I met during my visit, and to all those who welcomed me
and expressed warm feelings towards me at official or popular receptions, I convey
my greetings and gratitude, wishing them and their country continuous progress
and prosperity under the aegis of their great king, beseeching God to bless the
country, its people and king. He is the Hearer, the Responsive."